Thursday, March 8, 2007

Will this work?

I have been fiddling with the idea of a blog for quite some time. So what's the problem? Here's the conversation that's been going on in my brain:

Knitting Me: It will be fun. You'll "meet" lots of knitters. Maybe some of these knitters will become test-knitters for you. You'll have a place to preview/get feedback on/sell your designs. Knitters will know where to reach you. You've been told you're slightly amusing.

Real Me: You do not need another thing to do. Not one more thing, do you hear me? You are the mother of three children who are way overbooked, you just got back into teaching part-time, you have this design work with horrible deadlines, you teach knitting, your house is filthy, you need to go to the gym and you don't get enough sleep. Why do you want to add to your already hideous schedule?

Knitting Me: It will be fun. You'll "meet" lots of knitters. You've been told you're slightly amusing.

Real Me: Really? Slightly amusing? Do you know that people who believe they're slightly amusing are usually dreadfully dull. And besides, how many blogs have you read that you've hated; blogs without pictures of knitting, blogs that become political rants, blogs that showcase the author's pet/children/home renovation (pick one), blogs that have no posts for weeks on end.

Knitting Me: It will be fun. Really.

Guess who won?


Connie said...

Glad the Knitting you won out. I'll definitely be checking back. Hope you have lots of fun blogging. I'm a sporadic blogger myself, but I've met a few very nice knitters through this medium.

Elly said...

This made me laugh! I completely agree with you, about other blogs.
I'm glad you're "knitting you" won!!

~ Eliana ~